Tips to enjoy your Conscious Card Deck:

  • Include in your morning daily ritual
  • Keep them beside your bed to pick one in the morning or in the night
  • Ask yourself a few thoughtful questions about that card you select such as ‘What does this message and painting mean to me?’ or ‘Why am I already great at this?’ or ‘How can I amplify or action this even more today?’
  • Write down your thoughts and feelings about the card in a notebook or journal
  • Spend time through the day connecting with the feeling of the message 

Suggestions to enhance your Journal Writing

  • Before you start, consciously take three slow deep breaths
  • Dedicate 5-10 minutes to journal daily
  • Set up your own ‘Conscious Corner’
  • Set your intention for your journal writing
  • Allow yourself to write freely
  • Go at your own pace
  • Recognise the same things you are writing about
  • Be honest and kind to yourself 

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