There are many ways to incorporate conscious or mindful activities throughout your day and night to help you be present, ground yourself and allow you to be the best version of you as much as possible. It could be simple activities like focusing on the water on your body in the shower in the morning, or focusing on your breathe in the sunshine. Whatever allows you to feel more peaceful and at ease with yourself only brings benefits to you and those around you.
The purpose of the conscious card deck is to provide you with a tool to connect with your thoughts and feelings, through creativity and imagery of our beautiful oceans. Here are a few different ways you could incorporate the cards in your day:
1. Include in your morning daily ritual
What do you do when you first wake up in the morning? Is it a rush out of bed, or a gentle easing into the day? If mornings are your mojo, then choose a card before or after your morning meditation, run, walk or shower and sit with the message and imagery and thinks about what it means for you.
2. Keep them beside your bed to pick one in the morning or in the night
Proximity is power, so keeping your cards in a good place they can call home and they prompt you to remember them and select one allows you to gently nudge yourself. Create a lovely space for them, and a space that you can call yours. That is where you take in conscious thoughts.
3. Ask yourself a few thoughtful questions about that card you select
‘What does this message and painting mean to me?’ or ‘Why am I already great at this?’ or ‘How can I amplify or action this even more today?’. Any open question that prompts you to go within in a positive loving way will help you connect with the message and find it has been in you all along.
4. Write down your thoughts and feelings about the card in a notebook or journal
Writing is a powerful way to express your thoughts and feelings, and keep a record of your progress and growth. Why not set yourself up a ‘Conscious Corner’ with your card deck and a beautiful notebook and pen and give yourself 5 minutes of writing and reflection, either to start your day or to finish your night.
5. Spend time connecting with the feeling of the message throughout your day
Maybe you are waiting in line for a coffee, or have stopped at the traffic lights. There are moments in our day when we have time for our mind to wander. So rather than it wandering by itself, consciously give your mind a topic. For a few minutes repeat the message for the day, and connect with the feeling. Because you are loved, whole, powerful, safe, blessed, excited, grateful…
You could do all five tips, or one. It’s up to you and what feels right for you now. There is no right or wrong, all we hope you find is your own rhythm to bring the best version of you to the world. Because the world deserves to meet the best you.
Care for yourself, others and our planet.