In this busy hustling world, with so much information and news around us, it can be difficult to grab some ‘me’ time and reflect on where you are and what is important to you. Incorporating a journal into your day as a ritual can potentially give you that dedicated time to your own thoughts and feelings. Making the conscious choice to give to yourself is so empowering, and here we have suggestions for you to make the most out of your journal writing.
1. Before you start, consciously take three slow deep breaths
This is your time, so make the most of it. Sit in your space, with hands on your heart and breathe deeply in and out three times to connect to yourself. The more present we are with our breath, the more we are able to quieten our mind and listen within.
2. Dedicate 5-10 minutes to journal daily
Creating a ritual of your journal writing gives you the opportunity and in time the desire to have time dedicated to it. Any good habit forms over time, so give yourself permission for 5-10 minutes a day. The consistency you show yourself will come through in your writing.
3. Set up your own ‘Conscious Corner’
Create a space for you to write in peace, your special area that supports your writing becoming a ritual. This may be leaving your journal on your bedside table, on your desk, or in sunlit room for positive vibes. This space will in time help your mindset shift more quickly to being present because you are training your brain with repetition.
4. Set your intention for your journal writing
What would you like to achieve with your writing? Is it to understand your emotions more, straighten up your thinking, unearth your passions and desires? To make the most of your journal, start by committing to yourself an intention that you can hold yourself to, for accountability.
5. Allow yourself to write freely
This is your journal, and you can write what you want to! No one else will see this, it won’t be graded, so the words flow out of you. With no corrections, no perfect writing needed, just let it go. You might be surprised with what comes out of you.
6. Go at your own pace
Generally there is no end game with journal writing - it’s not an action plan, a strategy or a to do list. This is you unfolding and unearthing you – your inner desires, thoughts, reflections. So you do you.
7. Recognise the same things you are writing about
Themes may emerge after a period of time dedicated to journal writing, and this can help you see what is most important to you, or what is taking up a lot of your energy. You can then make conscious choices on whether action is required, or a change is needed.
8. Be honest and kind to yourself
This is not ‘Critical Corner’! It’s your time to be with you - beautiful, good, true YOU.
You could do all eight suggestions, or one. It’s up to you and what feels right for you now. There is no right or wrong, all we hope you find is your own rhythm to bring the best version of you to the world. Because the world deserves to meet the best you.