Oceans provide our planet with a rhythm through its tides and currents and the weather, sustenance for all beings, and a place for us to connect and take in its life energy with its endless coastlines and horizons.
But unfortunately our planet, and our oceans and its beings, are hurting.
Hurting from how it is being treated by humans due to our disconnection from it. Pollution and misuse is mainly the issue for our oceans – be it plastic entering waterways; garbage dumping; chemicals and oil spills; nuclear tests; land run off; over-fishing; carbon pollution warming the ocean up. All generated by humans.
The owners of Ocean Inspired, Julia and Michelle, are passionate ocean lovers, and wanted to contribute to improving the health and wellbeing of this environment they love. And wanted to build a business that could help make a small difference to ocean causes.
So Ocean Inspired was born!!
Through creativity and passion, Michelle has painted original artworks which convey conscious messages for us to connect, be present and make wise choices for ourselves and the planet.
The vibrancy and movement of the artwork and consciousness messages will be incorporated into a unique selection of products we are excited about developing to share with you. A portion of all sales of products will be donated to Ocean conservation.
‘Love ourselves enough to want a better world, connect with our hearts enough to know we deserve it, and then pour that out of us for the benefit of our beautiful planet and ALL its beings.’ Michelle Hay, Author and Artist.
Care for yourself, others and our planet.
Julia Harris and Michelle Hay